First thing to look at in the SPM
Tomorrow at 10 am Amsterdam time the SPM will be released. Leaks have been around for a while so everybody knows what's in it. Things might have changed though. I think one of the key [...]
Tomorrow at 10 am Amsterdam time the SPM will be released. Leaks have been around for a while so everybody knows what's in it. Things might have changed though. I think one of the key [...]
In het debat deze morgen op Radio 1 (luister hier of hier het fragment) tussen Peter Kuipers Munneke en mijzelf ging het niet verwonderlijk over de 15-jarige stagnatie van de mondiale temperatuur. Peter vond de [...]
Morgen, een dag voor de bekendmaking van het vijfde IPCC-rapport, ga ik op Radio 1 in debat/gesprek met Peter Kuipers Munneke, de nieuwe weerman van de NOS, maar tevens klimaatonderzoeker bij het IMAU. We worden [...]
I was interviewed last week in Amsterdam by Matt McGrath, one of the environmental correspondents of the BBC. The conversation was really pleasant. Today he has published an article on the BBC Science website. He [...]
Nic Lewis has published a lengthy and quite technical response on a recent Met Office report, see the posts at Bishop Hill and Judith Curry. His response will hit the Met Office like a boomerang. [...]
Many people (including myself) have criticised IPCC in the past for releasing the full IPCC report only months after the SPM. This was a very unfortunate procedure because claims in the SPM have to be [...]
De Telegraaf bericht vandaag dat ik door het Ministerie van Infrastructuur & Milieu gevraagd ben om het vijfde IPCC-rapport te reviewen. Dat bericht klopt inderdaad. De review van AR5 verloopt in twee stadia. De review periode [...]
A reader alerted me that the registration for becoming IPCC WG1 expert reviewer of AR5 is now online. The review of the first draft will take place between 16 December 16 and 10 February 2012. [...]