Over Marcel Crok

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So far Marcel Crok has created 260 blog entries.
27 06, 2012

Quiz: who wrote this and when?

Door |2018-01-25T17:05:24+01:0027 juni 2012|Recensies|6 Reacties

Much is being written about the failure of Rio+20. A must read is this article by George Monbiot and the reaction of Reiner Grundmann at Klimazwiebel. Today I was reading a slightly older piece that could [...]

26 06, 2012

The end of peak oil?

Door |2012-06-26T09:41:39+02:0026 juni 2012|Nieuws|8 Reacties

Andrew Revkin paid attention on his blog to what looks to be a really interesting report on the near future oil production. The report is written by Leonardo Maugeri, a fellow of the Belfer Center [...]